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Canada is a constitutional monarchy. The Crown in Canada was first established by the kings of France in the sixteenth century. Organized as a royal province of France, both French and British kings and queens have reigned over Canada since 1534. Under Canada's sovereigns, the country has evolved from a French colony to an independent nation.
Canada’s Head of State
In today's constitutional monarchy, His Majesty King Charles III King of Canada and Canada's Head of State. He is the personal embodiment of the Crown in Canada. In Canada’s system of government, the power to govern is vested in the Crown but is entrusted to the government to exercise on behalf and in the interest of the people. The Crown reminds the government of the day that the source of the power to govern rests elsewhere and that it is only given to them for a limited duration.
The Governor General and Lieutenant Governors
The Governor General and the ten Lieutenant Governors represent the Crown in Canada and act on The King's behalf. The Governor General’s role and responsibilities consist mainly in carrying out many of the duties on behalf of The King. For example, he or she presides over the swearing-in of the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of Canada and cabinet ministers. However, there are powers that can only be exercised by The King. The Lieutenant Governors of the provinces perform similar duties at the provincial level.
The Parliament of Canada
The Parliament of Canada consists of The King, the Senate and the House of Commons. In the provinces, legislatures consist of the Lieutenant Governor and the elected assembly. His Majesty's representatives act on the advice of the Prime Minister or ministers responsible to the House of Commons or the provincial legislative assemblies.
- Source: Gouvernment of Canada
Canada is a constitutional monarchy. Since 1534, when the King of France claimed possession of what is now Canada, the history of our country has been marked by the reigns of an uninterrupted succession of monarchs, both French and British, who have had a significant influence on our country's development As a constitutional monarch, The King no longer "rules" the country. However, as Canada's Head of State, he remains a fundamental part of Canada's system of government and our sense of identity.
Her late Majesty The Queen Elizabeth was the first of Canada's sovereigns to be proclaimed separately Queen of Canada. In 1953, a Canadian law, the Royal Style and Titles Act, formally conferred upon Elizabeth II the title of "Queen of Canada". She was proclaimed in Canada with these words: "By the Grace of God of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith." Queen Elizabeth II became the first monarch to be separately proclaimed Sovereign of Canada. The proclamation reaffirmed the new monarch's position as Queen of Canada, a role independent of that as Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. On September 8, 2022, she peacefully passed away in Balmoral castle. Her son, now the King Charles III, took the throne.
As the living embodiment of the Crown, His Majesty unites Canadians gives a collective sense of belonging to our country and anchors our sense of national identity and pride. New Canadians swear allegiance to The King, so do Members of Parliament and the Legislatures, military and police officers. We do not swear allegiance to a piece of cloth (office), a document (a constitution) or a political entity. Rather we swear allegiance to an institution (the Crown) who embodies all these as well as our collective values as a people.
-Source : Government of Canada
The King is Honorary Colonel-in-Chief of seven Canadian military regiments, and is Patron or Chairman of more than 400 charities around the world, including The Prince's Foundation in Canada.
November 14, 1948 (75 years)
The Queen has a family connection to Canada that dates back to the 19th century. Today, the Queen is also the Colonel-in-Chief of The Queen's Own Rifles Canada.
July 17, 1947 (73 years)
The Princess of Wales, borned "Kate" has become world famous for her involvement in various charities and her fashion sense.
January 9, 1982 (42 years)
Prince George of Wales
Princess Charlotte of Wales
Prince Louis of Wales
Never ceasing to impress us after all these years of goos and loyal service to Humanity, our country, our constitution, our Armed Forces and Canadians, The Queen Elizabeth II, gave the exemple.
Indeed, after having protected democracy under 15 British prime ministers, 16 Australian prime ministers, 18 New Zealand prime ministers and 13 Canadian prime ministers;
After having participated in the World War II effort and having met the designers of the D-Day plans; after having met the Kennedy family and established diplomatic relations with almost all of his successors, but also with the leaders of 117 other countries;
After meeting the 14th Dalai Lama, Neil Armstrong and President Charles de Gaulle; after witnessing the Holocaust, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the end of apartheid, the Korean War, the Cold War and the genocide in Rwanda;
After saying goodbye to The Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother and her sister Princess Margaret, Martin Luther King and her dear friend Nelson Mandela; Queen Elizabeth II had honour the oath she took 25 782 days ago.
Few months ago, the 70th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, echoed around the world.
During this historic event of worldwide proportions, Her late Majesty, who has already surpassed all her predecessors, will break a new record that we can now, with emotion, describe as a unique event that we will not see again.
During her reign, The Queen of Canada had championed public and voluntary service around the world. Meeting with influential figures over the past decades, Her late Majesty has advanced and dramatically influenced many important causes.
Until her death, she was patron of more than 600 charities and organizations, including 36 in Canada like the Canadian Cancer Society and the Canadian Nurses Association. She has passed this sense of service to all members of the Royal Family, whose service to Canadians is also noteworthy.
As well, The Queen had highlight the critical role of the Canadian Armed Forces by serving as Colonel-in-Chief, Captain General and Air Commodore-in-Chief of units across Canada.
His Royal Highness will be invested as an Extraordinary Commander of the Order of Military Merit by the Governor General of Canada, accompanied by the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff. This ceremony at Rideau Hall will also mark the 50th anniversary of the Order of Military Merit, created in 1972 to recognize distinctive merit and exceptional service by the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces.
To honour Canadian veterans and active service members, Their Royal Highnesses will participate in a ceremony at the National War Memorial which will include a bugle performance of the Last Post followed by one minute of silence and the Rouse; a piper playing the Lament, and the laying of a wreath and bouquet by The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall.
Their Royal Highnesses will meet with members and organizations from the Canadian Ukrainian community to learn about their stories and Canada’s efforts to support the people of Ukraine. Their Royal Highnesses will take part in a traditional prayer service, learn about Ukrainian culture and speak with representatives from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress.
Their Royal Highnesses will visit Assumption Elementary School to engage with children, parents and teachers. Her Royal Highness will speak with students about their favourite books with a focus on the importance of literacy. His Royal Highness will engage with parents of students, many of whom are new arrivals to Canada. His Royal Highness will also speak with organizations that provide support services to newcomers in both official languages.
Their Royal Highnesses will visit the home of the world-famous Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Musical Ride to meet the riders, walk through the stables and watch a special performance of the Ride. His Royal Highness was appointed Honorary Commissioner of the RCMP in 2012.
His Royal Highness will meet with young women who have settled in Canada after fleeing the recent conflict in Afghanistan, as well as representatives of the 30 Birds Foundation program that aided their resettlement.
Prince’s Trust Canada will highlight its skill development and employment programs which support veterans and young people to explore, prepare for and gain access to purposeful green jobs for a sustainable world. His Royal Highness will meet program participants including veterans who have started their own businesses, young people who have overcome barriers to secure employment, and partners who make the impact possible.
His Royal Highness will meet with The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, at Rideau Hall.
His Royal Highness will have a dialogue with Canadian stakeholders on the importance of sustainable finance in combating climate change and building a net-zero economy. The dialogue will take stock of progress to date and exchange views on opportunities to grow sustainable finance in Canada and internationally.
His Royal Highness will meet with Her Excellency the Right Honourable Mary Simon, Governor General of Canada, at Rideau Hall.
Their Royal Highnesses will attend a special evening reception at Rideau Hall, hosted by the Governor General of Canada, to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and bring together Canadians from various backgrounds who, like Her Majesty, have dedicated their lives to serving their communities.
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